Let’s go together!


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Go for some speed, find only the lastest stories, plans or workouts, and save yourself some time to invest in your workouts. 

Latest stories

The Secret to Smarter Training

You road to mastering your perfect workout by knowing how to execute every single one of them.

Why to use a plan

Set Running Training Zones

Boost running workouts with your personal zones based on your threshold. Running benefits start here.

Set Your Training Zones

A guide to set training zones to maximize your athletic performance and achieving your goals.

Latest Plans

It is the variation that keeps you going and stay fit. Perfect for runners aiming to just run 10K without distractions.
Build running endurance and strength to progress steadily and sustainably. Kick start your running career from here.

Latest Workouts

Regenerative Ride

Couch Crasher for the best recovery after a hard day at the office, better known as a day off in the training dictionairy.

Couch Crasher

Couch Crasher for the best recovery after a hard day at the office, better known as a day off in the training dictionairy.

Quarter Champ

Cycling Training has never been this fun. Boost your endurance swiftly with this multi 15-minute Champioin cycling workout.
Fietscomputer accessoires

Stretch The Limit

Get the most out of your workout and look to the future. See cheese.
Let’s go together!
Let’s go together!