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Set Running Training Zones

Set your cycling training zones to get more benefits of each workout you do. Eevvoo’s structured workouts are based on these zones, calculated from your personal functional threshold.


Sport can be dangerous. Unfortunately, sport is inextricably linked to injuries, accidents, or worse. Therefore, before you test, it is important to contact a doctor for advice.

The advice given here only offers insight into how to determine and calculate your zones, nothing more. It is in no way medical advice.

Testing (in any form) to determine your zones, requires some basic fitness. That’s why all starter schedules are designed on your gut and how you experience each part (block) of training. Therefore beginner plans do not require testing to establish your zones. After finishing a beginner plan, you might be able to do a test.

A specialist can help you do an accurate test. All other tests are approximate representations of your values.

Benefits of Cycling Training Zones

Zones help you to get the out of the events participate in or the workouts you do. The benefits can be you pacing yourself better to have some energy left for a last sprint. Or more overall speed during the event you are training for. Or… You name it.

Zones are based on your threshold of maximum (in case of heart rate). Your threshold is the number you can hold for one hour straight. Your maximum speaks for itself. From here your zones are setup. Eevvoo zones are always based on your threshold.

“The benefits can be you pacing yourself better to have some energy left for a last sprint.”

There are zones below (0-3) and above (4-5b) your threshold. As you can imagine for the lower (0-3) zones you can keep the set pace for longer than an hour. The higher the number (4-5b) the shorter you can keep the pace, so less than 60 minutes for sure. With this in mind you can pace your workouts/events to prevent you from some kilometers left before you burn up.

For your workout or training plan, zones are used to setup your plan(s) and calculate your ‘progress’. This is done in Trainingpeaks, the analysis tool Eevvoo uses to set you up with your training plans.

Units & Zones

To setup your zones you need to pick units. For running there are two options: heart rate and/or pace. Heart rate and pace are commonly know.

Two other options are feeling and power. Feeling (or Rate of Perseived Exertion or RPE in short) is only used for starter plans and workouts, because you need a basic fitness level to do a test, which is not required if you go for your feeling.

Power, unlike in cycling, is new in running. Therefore plans are (for now) based on pace of heart rate.

“Pace is an output and tells you which performance you can deliver at a specific heart rate.”

Once you know your the units you would like to train with you should determine your functional threshold. From here you can start calculating your zones in percentages of your threshold. Each unit has a different setup. Heart rate is only an input, because it tells you how fast your engine is pumping. Pace (and power) is an output and tells you which performance you can deliver at a specific heart rate.

Read the beginners guide on how to use RPE during your workouts if you are just started running.

Testing & determining your threshold

There are various ways to go to find your threshold. The most precise way to do so, is to do a lab test. After the test you will get a report in which you can find your thresholds for pace and heart rate (be sure to ask in advance you need those two).

Another option is to do a functional threshold test yourself. This can be either be a 5K race of 20 minute run, both on full speed.

Always give it your best shot and try to evenly distribute your effort and prevent a sprint of a minute at the end. This means you haven’t push it enough in the first part of your test. Which means that your found threshold is not as accurate as you like.


“This means you haven’t push it enough in the first part of your test.”

A test like this is a good indicator for your FT, or pace and heart rate to be more specific. Multiply these values by 0.97 and you will roughly have your  threshold to start with.

Over time your threshold change slight, due to training and more experience. Keep it up-to-date by doing a test on a regular basis to see if you improve and your workout’s goals are those they are supposed to be.

Note!  You should keep in mind that testing is giving it your best shot and that you should be medically fit to do so. Contact a specialist to give you advice on this to be sure you are safe to go. You can combine most lab tests with a sports medical examination to see if you are fit to workout to find out if you are healthy to start working out.

Eevvoo Zones

Once you determined your FT (both heart rate and pace)it is time to calculate your zones. With years of experience we have chosen a specific set of zones for each running unit. This means there is a slight difference between each zone distribution per unit.

All workouts and training plans are based on the same zone structure and it is best to use our zones to get the best out of each workout. Most plans are build on your FTP to help calculate your progress in Trainingpeaks. Therefore power zones are a must to take on our training plans and workouts. Heart rate is a good second.

For starters feeling is the best option to go with, since most of you who start cycling should simply get started with cycling first before pushing yourself to the limit. Don’t worry you will get there, but for now you should focus on building your endurance, having fun and preventing injuries. Therefore you can follow the zones in our starter guide.

Cycling Heart Rate Zones

Like rpm for an engine in a car, your heart rate it tells you how fast your engine is beating. It does so in beats per minute (bpm). An awesome number to get more out of your workout/event as said. But it only tells you the input of your effort. Besides this, heart rate is really slow. For instances your heart rate won’t instantly be 180bpm if you sprint 100 meters, but might even raise higher after finishing the sprint. Keep this in mind for short intervals or sprints.

Below are the cycling heart rate zones you can use to setup your cycling device, training app and/or Trainingpeaks. Use your threshold and multiply is by the percentage to get the upper and lower values of each zone.

  • Zone 0: 70 – 84 % – Recovery
  • Zone 1: 85 – 89 % – Aerobic
  • Zone 2: 90 – 94 % – Tempo
  • Zone 3: 95 – 99 % – Sub threshold
  • Zone 4: 100 – 102 % – Super threshold
  • Zone 5a: 103 – 106 % – Aerobic capacity
  • Zone 5b: 107 % – max – Anaerobic capacity

Repeat the test on a ‘regular’ basis to calculate your zones again to keep them up-to-date.

Cycling Power Zones

With heart rate being the first and pershaps easiest unit to work with, power is the best actually an even beter option. Power is one of the outputs you can use to pace your workouts and training plans. The benefit of power over heart rate is that is pretty direct, so if you do a sprint for instance your power will be in the right zone after just a couple of meters. Therefore power is a unit with which tracking and planning of your progress/keeping your endurance level is more precise.

Compared to running, where speed is the output used for zones, speed is an awefull output unit to use in cycling. When you have a tail wind speeds can easily double, but the effort is perhaps half of what it is when riding with a head wind.

“Power is really direct, which means when you stand up after a corner your numbers will spike.”

Below are the cycling power zones you can use to setup  your cycling device, training app and/or Trainingpeaks. Use your threshold and multiply is by the percentage to get the upper and lower values of each zone.

  • Zone 0: 50 – 70 % – Recovery
  • Zone 1: 71 – 83 % – Aerobix
  • Zone 2: 84 – 91 % – Tempo
  • Zone 3: 92 – 100 % – Sub threshold
  • Zone 4: 101 – 108 % – Super threshold
  • Zone 5a: 109 – 115 % – Aerobic capacity
  • Zone 5b: 116 % – max – Anaerobix capacity

Note! Power is really direct, which means when you stand up after a corner your numbers will spike. Set you divice’s screen refreshment therefore on a minimum of every 3 seconds.

Trainingpeaks & Device Setup

With your zones calculated it is time to setup your Trainingpeaks account and device to match these zones. Changing your Trainingpeaks zones must be done on a desktop/laptop. To do so, follow these steps.

  • Open Trainingpeaks and sign in with your credentials
  • Click on your profile picture in the top left or right corner
  • Tick Zones to open all your zones
  • At heart rate scroll down to add an activity.
    1. Select cycling from the dropdown menu.
    2. For cycling change all zone names (and add one or more if there are too few) enter all the calculated upper and lower values of each zones.
    3. Click Save  at the bottom of the screen.
  • At Power change the zone names and fill out your calculated upper and lower level values for each zone.
  • Click Save & Close at the bottom of the screen and you are done.

Now you are ready to head out with your newly safed zones and plan.

You can change your zone settings in the Trainingpeaks app too. However, it is preferred to do so using a desktop version. In the app the zone names are altered once your add a new threshold, which are not compliant with Eevvoo’s names.

Since there is a wide range of cycling training devices it is impossible to add all those setups to this post or even to a specific post. To find out how to setup your device use the device’s manual or website of your app brand.

Are you uncomfortable with setting up your zones? Eevvoo can help you with it. Follow the link below to get started.

Combine Heart Rate & Power

So now you might be wondering, but why should I setup both heart rate and power zones. I am only using one of them during my workouts. True. However you will be tracking both during your rides and there is a relation between the two, like in a car engine.

If you are looking to gain endurance or fitness, you should be looking for on the following options:

  • A lower heart rate with the same power
  • The same heart rate with a higher power


And if you do not have a specific goal, but want to maintain your endurance, then this could improve by just working out on a regular basis.

“Congrats, you have now officially pimped your own engine!”

Once this occurs you will have improved and are doing better. Your engine is beating less or the same and the out has improved. Congrats, you have now officially pimped your own engine!

Note! Keep in mind that heart rate and power are highly effected by all kinds of factors. So one of the two possible options should occur over a longer period of time.

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