Club Venue
Club Address
Coffee Deal
It was cold and windy in the end of 2015, but that didn’t stop us to start Cycling Espresso Sneek. We posted the first event on Facebook it was shared a lot. No wonder that there was a gigantic group of riders that first ride! We couldn’t have hoped for more. Since the first ride the enthusiasm grew and grew. Nowadays Cycling Espresso rides are split in groups so every rider can join.
Since the start we have ridden almost every two weeks, except from our winter breaks or when the conditions were icy. Safety has and will always be our first priority. If it is “just” dirty, wet or windy, we will of course just go for a ride. Not without coffee of course. It’s in our name, right? We gather at 10.00 for coffee @ Royaal Belegd. Till 10.20 you can order so we can depart for our ride at 10.30. All our rides stick to our philosophy, which means our rides are free, accessible, open, clear and safe.
Would you like to join us? Follow the simple 5 steps and we will see you the next ride. Do join us for free. It is a custom however to get your own Cycling Espresso shirt after you rode with us a couple of time and share your ride using #Cyclingespresso.