Let’s go together!

Start our Journey

We fuel motivation and build confidence 

to make your challenge  a shared effort.

Triathlon training plans and workouts coming up soon. Meanwhile find your need for running and cycling
All there is to get the best running experience. Alone or with friend, to maintain or build. Find your high, explore the world.
Discover a diverse range of cycling essentials for every rider, ensuring a smooth and awesome journey on two wheels.


Unite training, sport and coffee for your best experience.

Single Workouts

Couch Crasher for the best recovery after a hard day at the office, better known as a day off in the training dictionairy.
Couch Crasher for the best recovery after a hard day at the office, better known as a day off in the training dictionairy.
Cycling Training has never been this fun. Boost your endurance swiftly with this multi 15-minute Champioin cycling workout.

Full plans

Start your running adventure. Boost your running experience to run your first 5K.
It is the variation that keeps you going and stay fit. Perfect for runners aiming to just run 10K without distractions.
Build on your motivation and perseverance to gain confidence and run your first 5K. Become our hero!


Take the next step in your athletic journey. Our tailored training plans are designed for every athlete. Your sport journey starts today!

1. Choose

With a variety of plans for beginner, intermediate, advanced athletes, we will have the perfect one for you.

2. Activate

Experience the best in progress analysis, charts, and more by signing up at Trainingpeaks™️ today.

3. Add

After signup add our coaches to your account and we will load your chosen plan.

4. Start

Keep motivated with any of your training questions answered quickly by our team of certified coaches!


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Let’s go together!
Let’s go together!