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The Secret to Smarter Training

You road to mastering your perfect workout by knowing how to execute every single one of them.

Do you ever wonder why some athletes seem to benefit more from workouts than others, despite training the same amount of time or even less? The answer often lies in the execution of their workouts. Properly doing a workout isn’t just about checking the boxes set by the exercise. It’s about maximizing every part of the workout for long lasting results. Let’s explore how you can elevate your workouts with precision and purpose. This will give you the confidence to take your workouts to the next level.

The Power Of Execution

Working out is more than executing the block(s) of a workout. An understanding of the purpose behind every block, set and workout helps you get the true benefits from your workout time. You should know when to hold back, when to push and most certainly when to ease up. Knowing this you will discover the true magic of getting out and do what you love, putting in the effort. And it really doesn’t matter if you are a starter, professional or anything in between.

Precise exection sets your foundation for every workout. It helps you recover more quickly and help to stay fit or progress in the long-term. It will also help you get and stay motivated and get a positive experience from each workout.

Quality Beats Quantity

Simply put, more is not always better. With a workout and as a whole the plan you are following, it comes down to the quality you put into it. This means focusing on the quality of each rep, set, and interval to ensures you’re targeting the right muscle groups, improving technique and benefiting from your workout.

As for a plan you should think of the bigger picture of the single workout, since this is what you have to execute. A recovery workout the day after a race is meant to help you recover and should not be turned into another race. So go for quality instead of quantity in intension and/or duration.

As for the single workout stick to the block you are executing. Is it easy, go easy. Is it fast, go fast. Slow might feel too slow and fast might feel too fast, but it is the difference that brings in quality and therefore workout benefits. Do it otherwise and you might gain some in the short-term, but lose over a longer period of time.

Timing Is Everything

Workouts have a rhythm, just like your favorite song. Knowing when to accelerate or slow down is key. You should always put in warm up and cool down. This is even the case with a one block workout. In this case you should start and finish in the lower part of the training zone and use the upper part of the set zone.

A multiset workout brings a different challenge for the perfect execution.

  1. Single blocks before the core
    All single block sets before the core should greaduately build in intensity over the duration. So start easy and finish in the upper region of the zone.
  2. Multi block sets up to and including the core
    All multi block, the core included should gradually build in intensity over the different blocks in the set. Except from the recovery that come with this type of set, this should be truely easy each block.
  3. Multi block sets after the core
    Over the different blocks the intensity should decrease to ease your body into recovery mode from the workout.
  4. Single blocks after the core
    All single blocks that come after the core, like the cool down, should slowly decrease in intensity over the duration of the block.

Every workout has one or even multiple sets. Each set is build with blocks and they help you to pace you short or long intervals.

Strength training

Strength training is a different story however. Since you cannot change the intensity in most occasions. Thefore you can stick to the previous in general, but keep in mind that your workout will most likely be build with multi block sets.


Although races might look different at first, but you can look at it as a single block (or multi block if you slice it up into parts). Build the intensity over time to prevent a burn up before the finish line.

The Mental Aspect of Execution

Training isn’t just physical—it’s mental too. Keeping focused and sticking to your workout’s plan will help you guide your body through each workout. Take your time to get into the right mindset before you start training. Take time to read over your workout and get familiar with the idea. Be disciplined when you are working out. Stick to your plan or know when to go for it. This can be either in the workout itself or a workout in your plan. Be patient, the biggest benefits will be reached in the long-run and not with a single workout. Once again, stick to your plan and have confidence our plan and workout designs will help you.

Have lots of perseverance. This may be, or perhaps is, the hardest part of your journey. You can and will adapt over time to all the previous. Only then you will truly achieve your goals in the long run.

All together this will help you change your average workout in to something really remarkable.

Avoid the Common Mistakes

It is easy to lose yourself while working out. You might feel great and ready to give it a go. You could do so, but keep in mind what your overall plan is. Pushing it can lead to overtraining or even an incorrect form.

Our plans are designed with your current level in mind and build or maintain your fitness from here. In this the total workout load and the specific intensity per workout are aligned to each other. Adding in extra workouts will lead to an increase in overall training load and with this you can overreach your level’s possibilities. This can lead to overtraining or injuries. The same goes for adding in extra intensity by stepping up one or more blocks of your workout.

Is a plan really too easy for you? Then you might have chosen the wrong level of your plan/workout or you entry level exceeds that or your plan. In this case you might need a different plan. Feel free to contact us to find the right one together.

Why Tracking Progress is Essential

If you don’t measure your progress, it’s easy to lose sight of your improvements. Whether it’s heart rate, time, or reps, tracking helps you adjust and fine-tune future workouts.

You can do this by testing now and then. Or simply by looking at the ratio between your heart rate and the speed/power you put out. Over time, either the test or the ratio, will tell you if you are making progress. You will have made progress if:

  1. Your heart rate stays the same and your output increases.
  2. Your output stays the same and your heart rate decreases over time.

This will tell you if you are on track or not. If not, you should look the execution of your workouts. Did you do exactly what we designed and the results are negative, your plan might be over or under your current level. In this case a different plan could help you get back on track.

Different Periods

Every training cycle has a purpose. With this the overall intensity and training load will change per period. The idea of the execution however will be the same as described before. Learn how to adapt your execution to match the intensity and goals of each period and get more out of every single workout and plan.

Your Path to Success

The journey to mastering workout execution takes time. The benefits are undeniable. Consistent focus on form, pacing, and mindset will not only enhance your performance, it will also keep you injury-free and motivated. Start applying these strategies today, and watch your progress soar.

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