Let’s go together!

Lightning Legs
Beginner Base 24 Weeks Stay Fit 10K Running Plan

Get a solid base to stay fit over the most favorite running distance, the famous 10K. Your lightening legs are here to stay!


(incl. VAT)

Trainingpeeaks ID: 538419
Required Gear: Heart Rate Monitor

Lightning Legs


Includes local VAT

Why we love this plan

Lightening start

Get a grip of your week with a lightening start of this running plan. Build on your entry level and structure your weeks with a mix of running and your regular weekly routine. It is the mixt that gives you an extra boost.

Lightening finish

Up to speed and confident with the mix of workouts you head to a lightening finish. Easily putting in the hours and being ready for a 10K every day. From here the running floor is yours!

Goals & Benefits


Be consistent over 10K every day of the year
Gradually build your fitness over the weeks to embed running in your system

Lightening Legs Avatages

Preset 3 workouts per week structured plan for easier mixing with weekly routines
What you see is what you get plan without extras
Steady built your condition over 24 weeks to be fit for a 10K every day

Weekly Breakdown

Beginnner Base 24 Weeks Stay Fit 10K Running Plan
12 Weeks
24 Weeks

Plan overview & requirements

Beginner Running Plan Overview

24 weeks | 6x [4 weeks training + 1 week recovery]
72 Workouts in total
3 Workouts / week
60h02 Total workout time for this plan
1h20 – 3h16 of total workout time per week
2h30 / Week on average
1h20 Maximum workout time
0h20 Minimum workout time

Your Entry Level

Running without stopping for 45 minutes is your base
On average you run 3x 30 minutes per week over the last months


You have a (breast strapped) heart rate monitor, preferably compatible
You have your running gear fixed to get started with this beginner running plan
Running in the woods

Choose Your Own Adventure

Running Man
Keep your 10K running foundation. Mix a variaty of workouts to stay fit, injury-free and race-ready.
Runner along the river
Running feels best when you’re in a good rhythm. Stay in shape, maintain your endurance and get that rhythm going!
Running Girl
Break free from routine, clear your head, and rediscover the joy of 10K. Build a base that keeps you strong all year.
Keep moving. Stay strong. The power of variety keeps you running and feeling your best.

Roadmap to Your Workouts

1. Choose

With a variety of plans for beginner, intermediate, advanced athletes, we will have the perfect one for you.

2. Activate

Signup at Trainingpeaks™️ for the best analysis of your progress, targeted training zones & more. 

3. Sync

After signup add our coaches to your Trainingpeaks™️ account to get started with your chosen plan.

4. Sweat

Keep motivated with any of your training questions answered quickly by our team of certified coaches!
Let’s go together!
Let’s go together!