Let’s go together!

Workout Routines

Discover a diverse collection of workout types for all fitness levels, designed to help you achieve your wellness goals effectively. Explore our comprehensive routines today!

Discover a diverse collection of workout routines for all fitness levels, designed to help you achieve your wellness goals effectively. Explore our comprehensive routines today!
  • Sport

  • Level

  • Types

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Bell Ride

Beginner •
51 minutes •
1-2-3-4-3-2-1[3] + 1[0]
Conquer the 5-step pyramid to elevate your threshold!

Quarter Champ

Intermediate •
2h24 •
8x(14:00[1] + 1:00[3])
Boost your cycling endurance swiftly with this multi 15-minute champ workout session.
Fietscomputer accessoires

Stretch The Limit

63 •
6x ( 3[3] + 2[0] )
Get the most out of your workout and look to the future. See cheese.


1. Discover

Chose the workout that suits your Workout and preference best to ensure it suits your current level and desired outcomes.

2. Download

Save the workout to your computer or smartphone to make it easily accessible for future reference and use for your workouts.

3. sync

Synchronize the workout data with your training watch, computer or platform to ensure accurate tracking of your performance.

4. Sweat

Start your Workout following the structure and guidance of our workouts, allowing you to make the most of your exercise regimen.


Besides all the possibilities which you found under Workout, we offer other possible bundled workouts, training plans and more. Chose your level, goal or sport to find what you are looking for.

Maximize Your Quarter Champ


Cycling blog 1

This is a test blog for cycling

Post Running Testpost

Start Training Cycling Espresso Meets EEVVOO

Setup Your Zones

Discover how to setup your training zones and start getting more out of each ride.

Best Cycling Blog

Let’s go together!
Let’s go together!